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Saturday, December 17, 2005

Visions of Mary

The holiday, which celebrates Mary's learning from the angel Gabriel that she will give birth to the Messiah, always falls on March 25, precisely nine months before Christmas.

Visit "Visions of Mary"

Hail, Mary

She was there at the Cross. Yet Protestants seldom talk about Jesus' mother at Easter—or at most other times. But they are starting to now. Time Magazine

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Our Lady of Guadalupe

Our Lady of Guadalupe, Protectress of the Unborn and of the Family, Pray for us!

Visit here!

Memorial of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Protectress of the Family and of the Unborn

Sunday, December 11, 2005

How different is this lowly Mother?

If we call Mary a Prodigal Mother, how is she the same or different from God whom we also identify as a Prodigal Father?

How different is this lowly Mother?

Rogier van der Weyden, Deposition, TheVirgin Mary

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Prodigal Mother

Mary is worthy of being called a Prodigal Mother and everything that such a name can allude to.

During the annuciation of the Angel Gabriel, Mary's fiat was the ultimate sign of her prodigality of heart. Like any young lady in her time, Mary can't be blind to the ramifications of the message of the angel to her. She can't be blind to the fact that she could be stoned to death as an adulterer. But Mary, lavishly heeded to the call even at the face of a steep cost.

When Mary was there at the foot of the cross, lying in wait for the body of her son, imagine the confusion, grief, anguish and derangement she entered into. Mary is the epitome of remaining a faithful servant at the cost of one's everything in life-her only cherished son. Mary had that prodigal faith to endure being the Mother of the savior of human race.

Our Lady of Piat

Last October, we went to visit the Basilica Minore in Cagayan North, the home of the Miraculous Our Lady of Piat. The Basilica is perched on a hill that lines the banks of Rio Grande. The Blessed Mother is positioned overlooking the entire Cagayan Valley which for centuries has been put under her tutelage. Last year the Cagayanons celebrated her quadri-centennial through a fluvial procession in eight towns of the province on June 4 to 22, 2004 in Aparri, Camalaniugan, Lallo, Gattaran, Alcala, Amulung, Iguig, Tuguegarao City and Piat.

The Lady in Laoag City Cathedral

Photo taken summer 2005.

Mary carved on rock

When you go down the garden footpaths at Mirador Hill Jesuit Villa, you will see this image of Mary overlooking the busiest commercial site of Baguio City. Photo taken October 2005.

Mary at the main dining hall.

Patroness of Jesuit Ordinations

Here is a picture of the Blessed Mother in one of the Jesuit ordinations at Loyola House of Studies. The presence of Mary has always been paramount in the formation of every Jesuit.

Many of the intentions every Jesuit holds so dear into his heart are entrusted into these protective hands.

Our Lady of Manaoag

My father had a very special devotion to her. My father raised our family with her support and protection. It was always our family practice to do a pilgrimage to her shrine in Pangasinan during summer vacation.

Madonna and Child

The image of the Madonna and Child in the Immaculate Conception Chapel in Mirador Jesuit Villa, Baguio City.

Reyna Inmaculada

Reyna Inmaculada of Laoag, taken last Summer 05.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Prayer Of The King In Exile

Lyrics: Psalm 61
Music: J.M. Manzano

Hear O God my cry
Listen to my prayer

From the earth's end I call to you

My heart grows faint.

Hear O God my cry

Listen to my prayer

You will set me high upon a rock

And give me rest.

I. For you are my refuge
A tower of all strength
Against the enemy
I'll follow you there. Ref.

II. Forever I'm in your gaze
My shelter your embrace
You granted me the heritage
Of my forebears. Ref.

III. I'll sing you of my praises
My vows I will fulfill
Enthroned in you forever
Grant me your grace. Ref.

Friday, September 16, 2005

Poem by Rainier Maria Rilke

My life is not this steeply sloping hour
In which you see me hurrying
Much stands behind me, I stand before it like a tree
I am only one of my many mouths
And at that the one that will be still the soonest.
I am the rest between two notes
Which are somehow always in discord
Because death's note wants to climb over
But in the dark interval, reconciled
They stay there trembling
And the song goes on beautiful.